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The Full Story


What do you need to know about FMLA and applying for it at BNSF.

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Department of Labor Contact

If you think you have been treated unfairly by the company when it comes to FMLA, contact the Department of Labor. This could be denial of FMLA or incorrect trackage of your FMLA hours. Our contact below is able to handle any of your disputes.


DOL Chicago - Fidel Arroyo Jr. 

Email -

Phone - (210) 885-6897


FMLA Basic Steps

Step 1: Go to the Department of Labor Site and print out the appropriate forms. There are forms for a personal serious health condition and forms for a family member's serious health condition. Follow this link to find the forms. FMLA: Forms | U.S. Department of Labor (

​Step 2: Go to the BNSF Employee portal and find the FMLA forms. The only document you need is the Intent to take FMLA form. They have now made this electronic. Submit this the day you fax in your FMLA document or before you submit.


Step 3: Take these 2 forms to your doctor and fill them out with his or her help. Have the doctor's office fax the paperwork or fax it yourself to this number. 817 352 3672

​Step 4: The company has 15 days to accept or deny your FMLA. They must explain what changes need to be made on your forms if they deny it. Once you fix those corrections, they must be accepted.

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