SMART Local 0445
Working Towards a Brighter Future
This is the webpage of Local 0445 which is located in Niota, Illinois. This Local was formerly located in Chillicothe, Illinois and was relocated in 1992 when the terminal of Chillicothe was eliminated. Local 0445 has jobs in Ft. Madison, IA, Galesburg, IL, Joliet LPC Yard, Joliet, IL. and Willow Springs, IL.
SMART 0445 Contacts
Brad A. Bainter, Local President (0445)
E-mail: b.bainter@yahoo.com
Cell: (309) 368-1937
Scott S. Lester, Local Vice President (0445)
E-mail: scottlester71@icloud.com
Cell: (309) 335-2707
Luke H. Sperry, Local Chairman (0445)
E-mail: utu0445lc@gmail.com
Cell: (331) 999-0445
Jordan C. Boone, Local Legislative Representative (0445)
Illinois Alternate State Director
E-mail: smart445lr@gmail.com
Cell: (309) 221-7415
A.J. Lewis, Local Chairman (0445)
Yardman's LCA 009A
E-mail: a.lewis445@outlook.com
Cell: (773) 724-8856
Michael D. McNeal, Local Chairman (0445)
Fireman's LCA 020Z
E-mail: mikedayna1995@gmail.com
Cell: (309) 335-3923
Martin Bobrowski, UTUIA Local Insurance Rep.
E-mail: mbobrowski@utuia.org
Cell: (708) 516-8373

Your SMART 445 Resources
Contact your Representatives about Two Person Crews!
Follow the link below to contact your representatives about two person crews. You can also go to www.fightfortwopersoncrews.com for more info.
Railroad Technology Report
To better understand and evaluate the use of certain technologies being implemented by the Carrier, the Organization is seeking information regarding their operation. In order for the Organization to formulate a plan to protect our members, the general public, and ensure the safety of the nation's infrastructure, we are asking members to provide information when incidents or events occur regarding these technologies.
Legislative Action Center
Help railroaders by supporting legislation in our favor. Follow the link below and click on the "Take Action"Â button to write an email to your representatives to support our safety. You will get updates on our bills as well. Thank you for supporting us in taking the power back when it comes to our safety.
Contact SMART Local 0445
Get in touch with SMART Local 445 to find out more about our organization and the work we do.
Galesburg, IL 61401, USA